Title: EU BON: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network
Funding Source: EU FP7
Budget IMBBC: 331,698€
Start / End Date: 2012 - 2017
Web site URL:
Project Progress: 100%
Research Directions:
Marine biodiversity
Bioinformatics and biodiversity informatics
This project aimed to present an innovative approach towards integration of biodiversity information systems from on-ground to remote sensing data, for addressing policy and information needs in a timely and customized manner. EUBON provided integration between social networks of science and policy and technological networks of interoperating IT infrastructures, resulting in a new open-access platform for sharing biodiversity data and tools, and greatly advanced biodiversity knowledge in Europe. EUBON has 1) enabled greater interoperability of data layers and systems through adoption of new standards; 2) advanced data integration by new modelling technologies; 3) increased data mobilisation via scientific communities, citizen scientists, and potential data users; 4) developed strategies for future harmonizing and mainstreaming of biodiversity recording and monitoring; 5) improved analytical tools and services interpreting biodiversity data; 6) supported the science-policy interface by timely information and scenario development; 7) linked integrated, customized information to relevant stakeholders, and 8) strengthened overall European capacities and infrastructures for environmental information management. EUBON’s deliverables included a comprehensive “European Biodiversity Portal” for all stakeholder communities and supported the global implementation of GEO BON and IPBES.