Contact person
Name: Nikos Papandroulakis
Position: Research Director
Telephone: +302810337733

Fingerlings are the starting point of any grow-out activity and their quality determines to a great extent, the success of the grow-out phase in terms of growth, survival and final product. The semi-extensive Mesocosm hatchery of IMBBC and the pre-growing facility offers the opportunity for producing high-quality fingerlings of European sea bass, gilt head sea bream and meagre, which can be sold to commercial aquaculture operations in Greece. In recent years, the production includes greater amberjack on a pilot scale.
From the broodstock management facilities, eggs can also be sold to commercial hatcheries, primarily from new/emerging fish species for which the industry does not yet have established broodstocks, or does not have the ability to control their maturation and spawning.
- Greek aquaculture companies
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