
Title: EnLIGHTening future Schools to deliver BLUE Sustainability in Europe

Funding Source: EU HEurope

Budget IMBBC: 174,000€

Start / End Date: 2024 - 2027

Web site URL:

Project Progress: 23%

Principal Investigator:

Panayota (Yolanda) Koulouri

Project Members:

Research Directions:

Ecology and ecosystem management


The project aims at strengthening blue education in Europe to set the right conditions for the cost-effective implementation of the next Mission upscaling phase. BlueLightS will work on four axes that are central to the project's legacy by: (1) significantly increasing the number of blue challenges implemented in schools as well as the number of accredited blue schools joining the european Blue school network; (2) in coherence with the inclusiveness principles of the EU Green Deal, contributing to the diversification of blue schools, including schools from inland territories, vocational schools, schools for children and youth with disabilities...; (3) contributing to enhancing the quality and ambition of blue education projects by applying open schooling and citizenship education principles that are key to (future) citizens' engagement into blue sustainability; (4) bringing the blue education concept and vision into the (national) education system of EU Member States, mobilising education stakeholders into the co-design and experimentation of a blue education framework, as well as the development of road maps for strengthening blue education . To deliver its ambitions, BlueLightS builds on: the development and facilitation of an active blue education community of practice; the application of a strong participatory philosophy; the establishment of synergies with both Mission Ocean and EU4Ocean coalition/Network of Blue Schools processes; the integration of the blue education concept into the activities, events and communication of "others" at different scales; the development of well targeted comunication, dissemination and exploitation activities; the priority given to activities implemented in 9 "experimentation" countries (including Greece) representing diverse blue education maturity levels, complemented by the sharing of experiences at the lighthouse scale and support to blue schools in all EU countries.