
Title: BlueMinds4Teachers: Fostering Ocean Literacy in Education for Sustainable Development

Funding Source: EU HEurope

Budget IMBBC: 40,000€

Start / End Date: 2023 - 2024

Web site URL:

Project Progress: 100%

Principal Investigator:

Panayota (Yolanda) Koulouri

Project Members:

Research Directions:

Ecology and ecosystem management


The project aims to strengthen the skills of EU (and non-EU) teachers and other marine educators in Ocean Literacy through collaboration with marine researchers, education and social scientists, the EU Blue Schools Network and the Youth4Ocean Ambassadors. The objectives of the project are: a) to bring the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach of marine -including freshwater- science issues to Primary and Secondary Education teachers (including pre-service teachers, university students) to improve their ability to address Ocean Literacy issues and integrate them into the school curriculum towards Education for Sustainability; b) to create a permanent working group in which marine, freshwater, educational and social scientists, teachers and young ocean ambassadors can interact fruitfully and continuously to build stronger and long-lasting educational communities as well as quality, modern and innovative educational material and tools; c) to contribute to bridging skills and knowledge gaps by integrating pedagogical and scientific education, to improve social learning and critical thinking as well as scientific inquiry; d) to design an interactive online training course that can be reproducible, exportable, and adaptable to local/national needs in European countries to improve teachers' skills in promoting Ocean Literacy at school.