Title: European Marine Biology Resources Centre, preparatory phase

Funding Source: EU FP7

Budget IMBBC: 165,750€

Start / End Date: 2011 - 2014

Web site URL: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/97195/factsheet/en

Project Progress: 100%

Principal Investigator:

Antonios Magoulas

Project Members:

Research Directions:

Bioanalysis and biotechnology

Marine biodiversity

Ecology and ecosystem management


The project was the Preparatory Phase for the pan-European Research Infrastructure EUROPEAN MARINE BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE CENTRE (EMBRC). It built on existing Marine Biological Institutes and Research Centres which will be complemented with innovative components and properly embedded into European scientific, ethical, legal and societal frameworks. The preparative phase of EMBRC will provide the proof of concept for a key resource to increase excellence and efficacy in Marine Biological Research and secure competitiveness of European research and industry in a global context. This distributed pan-European infrastructure will provide access to information, expertise, national marine stations and laboratories, for both research and training.