
Title: Intelligent Fish feeding through Integration of ENabling technologies and Circular principle

Funding Source: EU H2020

Budget IMBBC: 356,291€

Start / End Date: 2018 - 2022

Web site URL: https://ifishienci.eu

Project Progress: 100%

Principal Investigator:

Nikos Papandroulakis

Project Members:

Research Directions:

Fish nutrition and feeding

Production technologies


iFishIENCi develops innovations supporting sustainable aquaculture, based on enabling technologies and circular principles. This task will be achieved by providing to the market the iFishIENCi Biology Online Steering System (iBOSS) that significantly improves production control and management for all fish aquaculture systems. iBOSS will maximise feed utilisation through smart feeding, provide continuous monitoring of fish behaviour, health and welfare and reduce response times to aberrations. iFishIENCi will target circular principles and zero waste by qualifying new and sustainable organic value chains for feeds, and valorisation of by-products.