Title: Supporting research potential for MARine BIodiversity and GENomics in the Eastern Mediterranean

Funding Source: EU FP7

Budget IMBBC: 2,926,159€

Start / End Date: 2011 - 2014

Web site URL:

Project Progress: 100%

Principal Investigator:

Antonios Magoulas

Project Members:

Research Directions:

Bioanalysis and biotechnology

Marine biodiversity

Ecology and ecosystem management


MARBIGEN played a pivotal and decisive role to the development of IMBBC, especially in the directions of bioinformatics and biotechnology. It aimed to fully exploit and further develop the research potential of the Institute of Marine Biology and Genetics (IMBG) [now IMBBC] of HCMR in the area of biodiversity, through upgrading existing and acquiring new equipment, hiring incoming scientific personnel to develop biodiversity research topics, taking advantage of the knowledge and experience existing in excellent research entities of the EU through exchanges of researchers, and the organization of workshops and seminars.