Title: SANTORini's seafloor volcanic observatorY

Funding Source: HFRI (ΕΛΙΔΕΚ)

Budget IMBBC: 15,140€

Start / End Date: 2021 - 2022

Web site URL:

Project Progress: 100%

Principal Investigator:

Paraskevi Polymenakou

Project Members:

Research Directions:

Environmental genomics

Marine biodiversity


SANTORY will establish a cutting-edge seafloor observatory using innovative marine technology (integrating hyperspectral and temperature sensors, a radiation spectrometer, fluid/gas samplers and pressure gauges) within the most-active submarine Mediterranean volcano, Kolumbo. It is located just 7 km NE (500m b.s.l.) of the well-known Santorini volcanic island and its hydrothermal system emits mantle-derived fluids consisting of nearly pure gaseous CO2 together with aqueous fluids venting at 220oC. SANTORY will build an open-access data hub using innovative visualization and virtual reality technologies to present the volcanic dynamics driving scientific knowledge advances and communicating hazards to the society in easy to understand ways. The outcomes of SANTORY will provide the impetus for much needed multidisciplinary collaboration in Greece and across EU and will be a first step for understanding of such natural laboratories to underpin development of next-generation shallow volcanic seafloor observatories.