
1811 entries « 36 of 37 »


Kotoulas, G; Bonhomme, F; Borsa, P

Genetic structure of the common sole Solea vulgaris at different geographic scales Journal Article

Marine Biology, 122 (3), pp. 361–375, 1995, ISSN: 00253162, (Publisher: Springer-Verlag).

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Mylonas, C C; Zohar, Y; Richardson, B M; Minkkinen, S P

Induced Spawning of Wild American Shad Alosa sapidissima Using Sustained Administration of Gonadotropin‐Releasing Hormone Analog (GnRHa) Journal Article

Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 26 (3), pp. 240–251, 1995, ISSN: 08938849.

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Kotoulas, Georgios; Magoulas, Antonios; Tsimenides, N; Zouros, E

Marked mitochondrial DNA differences between Mediterranean and Atlantic populations of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius Journal Article

Molecular Ecology, 4 (4), pp. 473–482, 1995, ISSN: 09621083.

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Magoulas, A; Sophronides, K; Patarnello, T; Hatzilaris, E; Zouros, E

Mitochondrial DNA variation in an experimental stock of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) Journal Article

Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, 4 , pp. 110–116, 1995.


Koumoundouros, G; Kiriakos, Z; Divanach, P; Kentouri, M

Morphometric relationships as criteria for the evaluation of larval quality of gilthead sea bream Journal Article

Aquaculture International, 3 , pp. 143 – 149, 1995.

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Pitta, P; Divanach, P; Kentouri, M

Nano- and microplankton in Iraklion Bay, Crete: comparison of coastal waters and mesocosm enclosures assemblages Inproceedings

Biology and ecology of shallow coastal waters. Proc. 28th European marine biology symposium, Iraklio, Crete, 1993, pp. 79 – 86, Iraklio, Crete, 1995, (Biology and ecology of shallow coastal waters. Proc. 28th European marine biology symposium, Iraklio, Crete, 1993).

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Mylonas, C C; Tabata, Y; Langer, R; Zohar, Y

Preparation and evaluation of polyanhydride microspheres containing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), for inducing ovulation and spermiation in fish Journal Article

Journal of Controlled Release, 35 (1), pp. 23–34, 1995, ISSN: 01683659.

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Psara, S; Tselepides, A; Ignatiades, L; Dafnomili, E

Productivity index in an Oligotrophic Environment: Cretan sea-NĖ. Mediterranean Inproceedings

Sorrento, Italy, 1995, (Publication Title: 2nd MAST days and EUROMAR market Type: Poster).


Labropoulou, M; Plaiti, W

Selective predation on small crustaceans by six demersal fish species in Iraklion Bay (Cretan Sea, north-eastern Mediterranean). Journal Article

Biology and Ecology of Shallow Coastal Waters, pp. 351–357, 1995.


Chatzifotis, S; Takeuchi, T; Seikai, T

The Effect of Dietary L-Carnitine on Growth Performance and Lipid Composition in Red Sea Bream Fingerlings Journal Article

Fisheries Science, 61 (6), pp. 1004–1008, 1995, ISSN: 09199268.

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Mollier, P; Lagnel, J; Fournet, B; Aioun, A; Riba, G

A glycoprotein highly toxic for Galleria mellonella larvae secreted by the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria sulfurescens Journal Article

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 64 (3), pp. 200–207, 1994, (ISBN: 0022-2011).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Efthimiou, Stefan; Divanach, Pascal; Rosenthal, Harald

Growth, food conversion and agonistic behaviour in common dentex (Dentex dentex) juveniles fed on pelleted moist and dry diets Journal Article

Aquatic Living Resources, 7 (4), pp. 267–275, 1994, ISSN: 0990-7440.

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Henderson, James R; Kalogeropoulos, Nick; Alexis, Maria N

The lipid composition of selected tissues from a Mediterranean monk seal,Monachus monachus Journal Article

Lipids, 29 (8), pp. 577–582, 1994, ISSN: 0024-4201, 1558-9307.

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Kentouri, M; O’Neill, D; Divanach, P; Charalambakis, G

A study on the quantitative water requirements of red porgies, Pagrus pagrus L. (Pisces: Sparidae), during early on-growing under self-feeding conditions Journal Article

Aquaculture & Fisheries Management, 25 , pp. 741 – 752, 1994.

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Tsanis, I K; Shen, H; Dounas, C; Eleftheriou, A

Application of POM and IDOR hydrodynamic models in the nearshore areas of North Crete Inproceedings

International Conference on Hydraulic Engineering Software, Hydrosoft, Proceedings, pp. 91–98, Computational Mechanics Publ, Southampton, United Kingdom, 1994.

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Papadopoulou, K -N; Dounas, C; Smith, Chris J

Distributional patterns and taxonomic notes on Lumbrineridae from Crete (S. Aegean, eastern Mediterranean) Journal Article

Bulletin du Muséum National D’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 162 , pp. 259–268, 1994.


Kentouri, M; Leon, L; Tort, L; Divanach, P

Experimental methodology in aquaculture: Modification of the feeding rate of the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata at self-feeder after weighing Journal Article

Aquaculture, 119 , pp. 191 – 200, 1994.

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Kristoffersen, JB; Buhl-Mortensen, L; Miskov-Larsen, K

Marin bløtbunn - verdens største habitat. Historikk og nyere viten Journal Article

Naturen, 5 , pp. 206–215, 1994.


Dounas, C; Steudel, C

Stomatopod Crustacea from the Island of Crete Journal Article

Crustaceana, 66 , pp. 252–254, 1994.


Mylonas, C C; Sullivan, C V; Hinshaw, J M

Thyroid hormones in brown trout (Salmo trutta) reproduction and early development Journal Article

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 13 (6), pp. 485–493, 1994, ISSN: 09201742, (Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers).

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Arvanitidis, C; Koukouras, A

Ρolychaete fauna associated with the coral Cladocora caespitosa (L.) in the Εastern Μediterranean Journal Article

Μémoires du Μuséum Nationale d’Ηistoire Naturelle, 162 , pp. 347–353, 1994.

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Kentouri, M; Anthouard, M; Divanach, P

Response to Colours in Dicentrarchus labrax (Moronidae), in a Self‐Feeding and Multiple Choice Condition Journal Article

Marine Ecology, 14 (3), pp. 259–274, 1993, ISSN: 0173-9565, 1439-0485, (Orignal title (in French): La Réponse aux Couleurs chez Dicentrarchus labrax (Moronidae), Placé en Situation de «Self‐feeding», et de Choix Multiple).

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Koukouras, Athanasios; Dounas, C; Eleftheriou, A

Crustacea Decapoda from the cruises of “Calypso” 1955, 1960, in the Greek waters Journal Article

BIOS, 1 , pp. 193–200, 1993.


Magoulas, A; Kotoulas, G; Tsimenides, N; Zouros, E; la Serna, De J M; Metrio, De G

Genetic structure of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) populations of the Mediterranean and the eastern side of the Atlantic: analysis by mitochondrial DNA markers Journal Article

ICCAT Collective Volume of Scientific Papers, XL , pp. 126–136, 1993.


Karakassis, Ioannis; Papadopoulou, K -N; Dafnomili, E; Plaiti, W; Wilkinson, M

Preliminary study of the environmental conditions of Iraklion Harbour Inproceedings

pp. 397–400, Rhodes, Greece, 1993, (Publication Title: 4th Pan-Hellenic Symposium Oceanography and Fisheries).


Μagoulas, A; Zouros, E

Restriction-site heteroplasmy in anchovy indicates incidental biparental inheritance of mitochondrial DNA Journal Article

Molecular Biology and Evolution, 10 , pp. 319–325, 1993.


Tselepides, A; Zivanovic, S; Dafnomili, E

Vertical distribution of chloroplastic pigments and nutrients along a transect in the Cretan sea: Ecological implications Inproceedings

pp. 77–80, Rhodos, Greece, 1993, (Publication Title: 4th Pan-Hellenic Symposium Oceanography and Fisheries).



Kalogeropoulos, Nick; Alexis, Maria N; Henderson, James R

Effects of dietary soybean and cod-liver oil levels on growth and body composition of gilthead bream ( Sparus aurata) Journal Article

Aquaculture, 104 (3-4), pp. 293–308, 1992, ISSN: 00448486.

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Dounas, C G; Koukouras, A S

Circalittoral Macrobenthic Assemblages of Strymonikos Gulf (North Aegean Sea) Journal Article

Marine Ecology, 13 (2), pp. 85–99, 1992, ISSN: 01739565.

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Koutsoubas, D; Koukouras, Athanasios; Karakassis, Ioannis; Dounas, C

Contribution to the knowledge of Gastropoda and Bivalvia (Mollusca) of Crete Island (S. Aegean Sea) Journal Article

Bolletino Malacologico, 28 , pp. 69–82, 1992.


Koukouras, Athanasios; Dounas, C; Turkay, M; Voultsiadou, Eleni

Decapod crustacean fauna of the Aegean Sea: Νew information, check list, affinities Journal Article

Senckebergiana Maritima, 22 , pp. 217–244, 1992.


Argyropoulou, Vasiliki; Kalogeropoulos, Nick; Alexis, Maria N

Effect of dietary lipids on growth and tissue fatty acid composition of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) Journal Article

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 101 (1), pp. 129–135, 1992, ISSN: 03009629.

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Mylonas, C C; Hinshaw, J M; Sullivan, C V

GnRHa-induced ovulation of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and its effects on egg quality Journal Article

Aquaculture, 106 (3-4), pp. 379–392, 1992, ISSN: 00448486.

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Koukouras, A; Russo, A; Voultsiadou‐Koukoura, E; Dounas, C; Chintiroglou, C

Relationship of Sponge Macrofauna with the Morphology of their Hosts in the North Aegean Sea Journal Article

Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie, 77 (4), pp. 609–619, 1992, ISSN: 00209309.

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Dounas, C; Koukouras, Athanasios

Odontozona minoica, new species, from the Εastern Mediterranean Sea (Decapoda, Stenopodidea) Journal Article

Journal of Crustacean Biology, 9 , pp. 341–348, 1989.


Dounas, C; Koukouras, Athanasios

Some observations on the possible synonymy of Eunice vittata (Delle Chiaje, 1825) and E. indica Kinberg, 1865 (Annelida, Polychaeta) Journal Article

Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 30 , pp. 227–234, 1989.


Chintiroglou, H; Dounas, C; Koukouras, Ath.

The Presence of Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Journal Article

Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Zoologisches Museum und Institut für Spezielle Zoologie (Berlin), 65 (1), pp. 145–149, 1989, ISSN: 03738493.

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Hidalgo, F; Kentouri, M; Divanach, P

The utilisation of a self-feeder as a tool for the nutritional study of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax — Preliminary results with methionine Journal Article

Aquaculture, 68 (2), pp. 177–190, 1988, ISSN: 00448486, (Original title (in French): Sur l'utilisation du self feeder comme outil d'epreuve nutritionnelle du loup, Dicentrarchus labrax — Résultats préliminaires avec la méthionine).

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Dounas, C; Eleftheriou, A; Koukouras, Athanasios

The presence of Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) in Greek Waters. A historical Review Technical Report

(413), 1988.



Papoutsoglou, Sofronios E; Papaparaskeva-Papoutsoglou, E; Alexis, M N

Effect of density on growth rate and production of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Rich.) over a full rearing period Journal Article

Aquaculture, 66 (1), pp. 9–17, 1987, ISSN: 00448486.

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Divanach, P; Kentouri, M; Cavalier, F

Larval trophic scheme of Diplodus sargus and ichthyoplanktonic productivity of coastal lagoons in Languedoc-Roussillon, France Journal Article

Acta Oecologia/Oecologia Applicata, 8 , pp. 105–110, 1987, (Original title (in French): Organisation du reseau trophique larvaire de Diplodus sargus et productivite ichtyoplanctonique des milieux laguno-cotiers en Languedoc-Roussillon).

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Alexis, Maria N; Theochari, Vassiliki; Papaparaskeva-Papoutsoglou, Elli

Effect of diet composition and protein level on growth, body composition, haematological characteristics and cost of production of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) Journal Article

Aquaculture, 58 (1-2), pp. 75–85, 1986, ISSN: 00448486.

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Kentouri, M; Divanach, P; Batique, O; Anthouard, M

Influence of preconditioned individuals in the initiation of self-feeding and in adaptation to captivity of wild 0+ sea-bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, in winter Journal Article

Aquaculture, 52 (2), pp. 117–124, 1986, ISSN: 00448486, (Original title (in French): Role des individus conditionnes dans l'initiation a l'auto-nourrissage et dans l'adaptation a la captivite du loup, Dicentrarchus labrax, 0+ sauvage, en periode hivernale).

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Divanach, P; Kentouri, M; Dewavrin, G

The weaning and the development of biological performance of extensively reared sea bream, Sparus auratus, fry after replacing continuous feeders by self-feeding distributors Journal Article

Aquaculture, 52 (1), pp. 21–29, 1986, ISSN: 00448486, (Original title (in French): Sur le sevrage et l'evolution des performances biologiques d'alevins de daurades, Sparus auratus, provenant d'elevage extensif, apres remplacement des nourrisseurs en continu par des distributeurs libre service).

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Alexis, M N; Papaparaskeva-Papoutsoglou, E

Aminotransferase activity in the liver and white muscle of Mugil capito fed diets containing different levels of protein and carbohydrate Journal Article

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, 83 (1), pp. 245 – 249, 1986.

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Kentouri, M; Divanach, P

Food ranges of sparid larvae in controlled conditions. Specific selectivity of Sparus aurata. Journal Article

Oceanologica Acta, 9 , pp. 343–348, 1986, (Original title (in French): Spectres alimentaires des larves de sparides en conditions controlees. Selectivite specifique de la daurade Sparus aurata.).

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Papaparaskeva-Papoutsoglou, E; Alexis, M N

Protein requirements of young grey mullet, Mugil capito Journal Article

Aquaculture, 52 , pp. 105 – 115, 1986.

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Dounas, C; Koukouras, A

The Genus Cymodoce Leach (Isopoda, Flabellifera) In the North Aegean Sea Journal Article

Crustaceana, 51 (3), pp. 306–308, 1986, ISSN: 0011216X.

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Alexis, Maria N; Papaparaskeva-Papoutsoglou, Elli; Theochari, Vasiliki

Formulation of practical diets for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) made by partial or complete substitution of fish meal by poultry by-products and certain plant by-products Journal Article

Aquaculture, 50 (1-2), pp. 61–73, 1985, ISSN: 00448486.

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Koukouras, Athanasios; Voultsiadou-Koukoura, Eleni; Chintiroglou, Chariton Charles; Dounas, C

Benthic bionomy of the North Aegean Sea. III. - A comparison of the macrobenthic animal assemblages associated with seven sponge species Journal Article

Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 26 , pp. 301–319, 1985.


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