Personal Information | Moshoula Livadara |
Position | Previous Members |
Field & Degree | Microbiology |
E-mail Address | |
Phone | +30 2810 337751 |
Address | HCMR Thalassocosmos 71500 Gournes, Crete, Greece |
Year (completed) |
Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country |
1988 | MSc : Medical Microbiology, Long Island, New York, USA |
1988 | Mount Sinai Medical Center - School of Medicine ,Dpt of Neoplastic Disases, New York |
1986 | BSc : Medical Microbiology, Staten Island College University of New York , USA. |
1986 | Mount Sinai – School of Medicine - City Hospital at Elmhurst, USA |
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Year (start) |
Position – Organization, Town (optional), Country |
1992 | HCMR (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research – IMBBC) Position:Microbiologist - head of the Microbiology lab |
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Language |
Basic/Intermediate/Proficient |
English | |
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