Preparing a manuscript for scientific publishing – By Dr. Constantinos C Mylonas

Dr. Constantinos C Mylonas will give a brief presentation “Preparing a manuscript for scientific publishing” on October 13th at 14:00 (CET/Brussels time) in Anavissos.


Constantinos C Mylonas is currently the director of the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC), one of the institutes of the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR). He studied Aquaculture (B.Sc.) at Texas A&M University (1988), followed by an M.Sc. degree in Zoology at North Carolina State University (1991) evaluating the application of pharmacological methods for the induction of ovulation in salmonids. He completed his studies with a Ph.D. in Marine-Estuarine and Environmental Sciences at the University of Maryland (1996) studying the reproductive endocrinology of marine fishes and the use of controlled-release delivery systems for gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa), in the induction of ovulation and enhancement of sperm production.

The research field of Dr. CC Mylonas may be summarized in (a) the study of fish reproductive biology and endocrinology, (b) the identification of the dysfunctions exhibited by female and male broodstocks in captive conditions, and (c) the development of pharmacological methods for the control of reproduction, induction of spawning and improvement of sperm production in fish of interest for the aquaculture industry. Dr Mylonas has published 132 scientific articles with an ISI-Index (H-index 39), has co-authored six books and edited one book on the reproduction of fish. He has been on the Editorial Board of the journal “Aquaculture” since 2002, and has reviewed 170 manuscripts submitted for consideration in 30 different scientific journals.


The webinar will provide some basic instructions on the preparation of a manuscript to be submitted for publication in a scientific journal. Aspects covered will include format, content organization, common language difficulties, quoting vs paraphrasing, choosing bibliography, in-text citation and preparation sequence

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