How to write a scientific article – Seminar by Dr C.C. Mylonas – 7 October 2020 – Thalassokosmos Crete

­A 4-hr seminar on “How to write a scientific article” will be given on Tuesday 7 October 2020 at the conference hall of the HCMR in Thalassokosmos, by IMBBC director Dr C.C. Mylonas.

Writing a scientific article must be taken very seriously, especially the language that is used to communicate results. To begin with, it is important to have the proper structure in the content of the manuscript. Then, the language used must be accurate, concise, clear and objective. Clarity in writing reflects on clarity in thought. Written communication is key to transmitting knowledge and rendering an impact on the field. Without clear and proper language, readers will not grasp the full message or impact of your work. Even though the findings you report might be cutting edge, poor language quality, including errors in grammar, spelling or language usage, could delay publication or lead to outright rejection of the paper. There are certain simple rules that will help you prepare a better manuscript, with more chances of being accepted and then read and understood by the readers. Join us at 11:00 am Tuesday 7 October 2020 at the conference hall of the HCMR in Thalassokosmos, Gournes, Crete.

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