Title: Καλλιέργεια μικροφυκών σε μεγάλη κλίμακα και χρήση της παραγόμενης βιομάζας ως εναλλακτική πρώτη ύλη ιχθυοτροφής
Funding Source: EPAnEK Aquaculture
Budget IMBBC: 70,075€
Start / End Date: 2018 - 2021
Web site URL:
Project Progress: 100%
Research Directions:
Fish nutrition and feeding
Bioanalysis and biotechnology
The AlgaFeed4Fish project is the production of microalgae of the genera Nannochloropsis, Isochrysis and Hematococcus in laboratory scale and the know-how transfer and application in pilot scale in the marine aquaculture hatchery of PLAGTON SA . PLAGTON SA is a fish farm with hatchery, on-growing units and packaging unit and I will provide the necessary installations needed to implement the pilot experiments. The produced microalgal biomass will be processed with different methods by chemical hydrolysis in acid or alkaline environment, enzymatic hydrolysis or using ultrasound. The microalgal biomass will then be dried and incorporated in various % into fish diets and will be fed to sea bass, substituting partically fishmeal that is the main content of the fish feeds.