Title: Contaminant-specific isotope analysis as sharp environmental-forensics tools for site characterisation, monitoring and source apportionment of pollutants in soil
Funding Source: EU FP7
Budget IMBBC: 190,138€
Start / End Date: 2009 - 2012
Web site URL:
Project Progress: 100%
Research Directions:
Bioanalysis and biotechnology
Conventional remediation-monitoring programmes, i.e. analysis of contaminant and metabolite concentrations over time and space, often provide inconclusive assessments due to inability to resolve among mixing of several contaminant sources, degradation, dispersion and other redistribution processes. The isoSoil objective is to firmly establish concentration-independent contaminant-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) as a novel, user-friendly and powerful tool for both degradation monitoring and source apportionment of organic contaminants in soil.