Title: Mobilising Data, Experts and Policies in Scientific Collections (EU COST Action CA17106)

Funding Source: COST

Budget IMBBC: 11,400€

Start / End Date: 2018 - 2022

Web site URL:

Project Progress: 100%

Principal Investigator:

Vasilis Gerovasileiou

Project Members:

Research Directions:

Bioinformatics and biodiversity informatics


The EU COST Action CA17106 on “Mobilising Data, Experts and Policies in Scientific Collections” (MOBILISE) was officially launched back in October 2018 and will last for four years. The aim of MOBILISE is to build up a cooperative, inclusive, bottom-up and responsive network with active involvement of European stakeholders to support research for biodiversity and geodiversity informatics. Natural Science Collections in Europe host approximately 1.5 billion biological and geological collection objects, which represent about 80% of the known current and past bio- and geo-diversity on Earth. Accessing to and mobilising the data contained and the knowledge built thanks to those collections is at the core of MOBILISE Cost Action. Research data and the research community providing such priceless richness are pivotal to support, promote and foster scientific advances. MOBILISE will facilitate knowledge and technology transfer across stakeholders, bridging the gaps between biodiversity and geodiversity research and information technology best practices.