FAIR data, data curation, Data Management Plans, environmental ontologies, Darwin Core Standards
Dimitra is an environmental scientist with post-graduate studies in Hydrology and Environmental Management of Water Resources. She has five years of experience in environmental impact assessments (EIA) for a wide range of projects (industrial sector, commercial sector, renewable energy plants), in sustainable development and regional management plans and in protection and restoration projects for the environment. She worked for four years at the European Institutions as an assistant of a Member of the European Parliament; specializing in energy and research issues. During the period 2011-2012, Dimitra worked as a policy adviser to the Greek Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, specializing in renewable energy and energy efficiency policy issues. She has been working at the HCMR Crete since November 2013. She is now employed as Data Manager, focusing on marine data. She specializes in data collection and digitization, metadata use, open access e-infrastructures and services. She is actively involved in the LifeWatch ERIC, EMODNet and Assemble Plus projects, in which her role is to collect, digitise, quality control and upload the metadata and data on open access research infrastructures; such as the LifeWatchGreece RI and MEDOBIS ipt.
Publication record
No of Projects
H-index (scopus): 3
Princ. Invest.: 1
Citations-total: 20
Year (completed)
Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country
Inter-Departmental Postgraduate Course in Water Resources Science and Technology, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
School of the Environment, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Aegean, Lesvos, Greece
Year (start)
Position – Organization, Town (optional), Country
Research Data Manager, Institution of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Crete, Greece
Policy Adviser, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Athens, Greece
Policy Adviser, Committee on Industry, Research&EnergyEuropean Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
Policy Adviser, Greek centre for political research and analysis, Institute of Strategic and Development Studies (ΙSTΑΜΕ), Athens, Greece