My education includes a PhD in fish nutrition from University South West, UK and a BSc (hons) n Fishery Science from Plymouth Polytechnic, UK . I am currently a Research Director at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, in Greece, having served as senior researcher for over twenty five years. Among my research interests are the evaluation of the nutritional quality of feed ingredients and supplements, nutritional requirements, formulations of practical diets, effect of nutrition on growth, quality and health of aquaculture fish species. I have participated in numerous European Union and National research projects, contributed in Fish nutrition books and produced over 50 publications in peer reviewed journals. Finally, I have consulted for the aquaculture industry for different species at a global level.
Publication record
No of Projects
Thesis supervision
H-index (scopus): 21
Coordinator: 6
PhD: 3
Articles: 48
Princ. Invest.: 3
MSc: 6
Citations-total: 1,484
Project member: 22
BSc: 10
Citations-nonself: 1,319
Funding: 1,547,000
Year (completed)
Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country
PhD, Faculty of Biology/University South West, UK
BSc, Faculty of Biology/Plymouth Polytechnic, UK
Year (start)
Position – Organization, Town (optional), Country
Research Director - Deputy Director of the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture / Hellenic Centre for Marine Research / Greece
Principal Researcher - Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture / Hellenic Centre for Marine Research / Greece
Assistant Researcher - Institute of Aquaculture / National Centre for Marine Research / Greece
Researcher D’ - Institute of Aquaculture / National Centre for Marine Research / Greece