Rearing technologies (hatchery - on growing cages) aiming at precision aquaculture. Species of interest: European sea bass, gilthead sea bream, meagre, greater amberjack
Determine the rearing parameters for optimal performance of the farmed species, adapted to the challenges of climate change and the circular economy.
Behavior studies and determination of stress conditions, development of husbandry welfare indicators and methods of early prediction.
Development of human free operational and monitoring methods
Publication record
No of Projects
Thesis supervision
H-index (scopus): 28
Coordinator: 12
PhD: 13
Articles: 97
Princ. Invest.: 20
MSc: 12
Citations-total: 1,484
Project member: 9
BSc: 21
Citations-nonself: 1,346
Funding: 9,263,858
Year (completed)
Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country