Emmanouela is an Information Technology manager at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR). She has an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and has been working in the IT field for more than 25 years. She specializes in Data Integration, Database Development, and Web-Based Applications. Currently, she is involved in the management and development of IMBBC websites. She is also involved in the development and implementation of citizen science projects, that aim at engaging citizen scientists in a coastal marine biodiversity observation network. Her focus is on data integration between web-based platforms and mobile-tablet applications.
Publication record
H-index (scopus): 4
Articles: 4
Citations-total: 36
Year (completed)
Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country
M.Sc. in Computer Science - Hellenic Mediterranean University
B.Sc. in Computer Science - Hellenic Open University
Year (start)
Position – Organization, Town (optional), Country
Information Technology Manager - Hellenic Centre for Marine Research