Panayota (Yolanda) Koulouri

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Full CV
Personal InformationPanayota (Yolanda) Koulouri
Principal Researcher
Marine Biology/Ecology

HCMR Thalassocosmos 71500 Gournes, Crete, Greece

+30 2810 337716

Field & DegreeMarine Biology, PhD
SectionBiodiversity & Genetics
LocationMain Building
Mobile Number+30 6976685439
Researcher ID276621110129
ResearchGate ID
Scopus iD8852046400
Linked iN
Gender Female | Date of birth 1972/07/24
Scientific impact
Publication recordNo of ProjectsThesis supervision
H-index (scopus): 10PhD: 2
Articles: 40Princ. Invest.: 3MSc: 1
Citations-total: 359Project member: 26BSc: 1
Citations-nonself: 317Funding: 870,000
Education & training
Year (completed) Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country
1996BSc, Biology, University of Patras, Greece
1999MSc, Biology, University of Crete, Greece
2005PhD, Biology, University of Crete, Greece
2012Participation in MedOpen Virtual Training Course on Intergrated Coastal Zone Management (Basic & Advanced level, duration of 4 months) organized by «Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC) for UNEP» within the framework of the European Project «People for Ecosystem-based Governance in Assessing Sustainable development of Ocean and coast (PEGASO 2011-2014)» of FP7- ENV.2009. Integrated Coastal Zone Management
2015Participation in virtual MedOpen Advanced Training Course on Climate Variability and Change (CV&C) in the Mediterranean (duration of 1 month) organized by «Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC) for UNEP»
Work Experience
Year (start) Position – Organization, Town (optional), Country
2016Senior Researcher, IMBBC, Crete, Greece
2011Associate Researcher, IMBBC, Crete, Greece
2006Assistant Researcher, IMBG, Crete, Greece
2005Post-doctoral Researcher, IMBG, Crete, Greece
2001Research Assistant, IMBG, Crete, Greece
Personal skills
Mother tongue(s)Greek
Other language(s)
Language Basic/Intermediate/Proficient
Computer skills Microsoft Office, Statistical packages of Primer and Statistica, CorelDraw
Other skills Diving (PADI, Advanced Open Water Diver), Sailing (First Certificate in Open Sea Sailing),
Educational activities
Teaching experience

Organization of educational programs targeting to specific actions:

  • Collaboration with teachers and students of the primary school of Gournes Pediados (Crete)  in the framework of ERASMUS+ project in order to develop innovative science-based and ocean related educational material addressing ocean/marine issues building on previous experiences from schools and school partners, using benchmarking exercise as a reference, co-building with children, teachers and school partners (2021-2023)
  • Collaboration with teachers of Greek high and elementary schools in the framework of CONNECT EU funded project (Horizon 2020) in order to support them for scenarios concerning marine pollution with plastics, marine protected areas, loss of marine biodiversity, trophic chains in the sea, coastal and marine ecosystem management (2021-2023)
  • Collaboration with teachers of Mediterranean high and elementary schools in the framework of ERASMUS+ project in order to develop innovative science-based and ocean related educational material addressing ocean/marine issues building on previous experiences from schools and school partners, using benchmarking exercise as a reference, co-building with children, teachers and school partners (2021-2023)
  • Collaboration with teachers and students of the primary school of Gournes Pediados (Crete) in order to participate in the competition organized by the 4th Educational Symposium of Phycology entitled «Algae in Life of the Planet Earth», 27-29 March 2015, Cretaquarium, Crete, Greece. 1st award for the design and development of a fairytale concerning climate change for its pedagogic and scientific approaches (Skoula I., Koulouri P., Dounas C., 2019. The Kingdom of Photophilous Algae. BIOWATCH Editions, Heraklion, Crete, 48+x pp).
  • Scientific support of teachers and students of the primary school of Gournes Pediados (Crete) in order to organize a symposium focusing on marine biodiversity at the Cretaquarium (2015)
  • Field study of marine biodiversity on the beach in collaboration with teachers and students of the primary school of Gournes Pediados, Crete (2015)
  • Visit of the students of the primary school of Gournes Pediados (Crete) to the labs of IMBBC for the study of coastal ecosystems (2014)
  • Scientists’ interviews from students of the primary school of Gournes Pediados, Crete (2014)
  • One-day seminar of coastal marine ecosystems for teachers of elementary and high schools in collaboration with the Centre of Environmental Education of Neapoli, Crete (2007)
  • Training courses for marine pollution monitoring of the outfalls of the Power Plants & Desalination Facilities held in Crete and Athens for 5 trainees of the General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL). A site visit in Libya aiming at environmental inspection of 8 Power Plants & Desalination Facilities of GECOL including sampling and analyses of certain physicochemical parameters in order to investigate problems related to marine pollution to and from the facilities. A financial-technical report was elaborated aiming at the establishment of an environmental monitoring system in Libya and the development of an Environmental Laboratory infrastructure (2003-2004).

Participation in citizen science projects or projects relevant to Ocean Literacy activities:

  • Citizens’ Network for the Observation of Marine BiodivERsity (COMBER, http:/ was initiated under the European funded FP7 project ViBRANT (2010-2013), aimed at engaging citizens in a coastal marine biodiversity observation network. Each participant was equipped with a fish identification card ( used both to identify fish species and note down observations during the dive or snorkeling. A website has also been developed and functioned for communication and promotion of the network, offering data-entry tools for collecting information ( (Citizen_science_project_photos)
  • “Watching for jellyfish blooms”, a program of the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM, 2014 to date). Crete is one of the focal points of the program.(
  • On the occasion of the WORLD OCEAN DAY 2020 an international initiative entitled “Walking on the sea traces” is launched starting June 8th. HCMR in collaboration with other research and educational institutes/initiatives/networks asks to help collect new data in order to better understand what is happening during this unique period of pandemic COVID-19 in the marine environment. Questionnaires at the following website ot fill in for discovering traces of the sea in our home

Maidanou Maria (2019), Supervisor of the PhD student's thesis entitled "Trophodynamics of a fish community associated with a Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskål) meadow in a shallow semi-enclosed embayment", Univeristy of the Aegean

Skouradakis Grigoris (2021), Supervisor of the PhD student's thesis entitled "A study of Arca noae (Linnaeus, 1758) in Elounda bay, Crete, Eastern Mediterranean", University of Crete


Maidanou Maria (2006), Supervisor of the MSc student's thesis entitled "Patterns of benthic biodiversity in the salt marshes of Kalloni Gulf, Lesvos Island", University of the Aegean


Mara Paraskevi (2002), Supervisor of the BSc student's thesis entitled "Stomach content analysis of benthic and benthopelagic fishes of Heraklion Bay", Technical University of Preveza


Premici A. (2022), supervision of a 3-months practical, Universita Politecnica Delle Marche, Italy 

Valavani D. (2016), supervision of a 2-months summer practical, Department of Geology, University of Patras

Vlassiou A. (2012), supervision of a 2-months summer practical, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus

Artemiou S. (2012), supervision of a 2-months summer practical, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus

Kolaxidi M. (2012), supervision of a 2-months practical, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Kober N. (2012), supervision of a 6-months practical, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Germany 

Vasilaki F. (2011), supervision of a 2-months summer practical, Department of Marine Sciences, University of the Aegean

Markoglou E. (2010), supervision of a 2-months summer practical, Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment, University of Thessaly

Zambouka V. (2010), supervision of a 2-months summer practical, Department of Marine Sciences, University of the Aegean

Pirounaki M. (2007), supervision of a 3-months rotation for MSc, Department of Biology, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki

Chryssou E. (2006), supervision of a 6-months practical, Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering, TEI Crete

Fontaine C. (2005), supervision of a 2-months practical, University of Marseille, France

Mara P. (2005), supervision of a 6-months practical, Faculty of Agricutural Technology, Food technology and Nutrition, TEI Ipirou


9th European Marine Science Educators Association, 25-28 September 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Marine and Inland Waters Research Symposium 2022, 16-20 September 2022, Porto Heli, Argolida, Greece

International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2022), 22-25 June 2022, Rethymnon, Crete

8th London School of Management Education International Research Conference on 'Sustainable Development and Education', 26-27 August 2021, virtual

4th International Congress on Applied Ichthyology, Oceanography and Aquatic Environment, 4-6 November 2021, virtual

8th European Marine Science Educators Association Summit 2021, organized by European Marine Science Educators Association, 7-8 October 2021, virtual

Ocean Literacy Mediterranean Festival, Let's Make the Mediterranean Blue, 24-25 September 2021, virtual

8th LSME International Research Conference on 'Sustainable Development and Education' 26th August to 27th August 2021, virtual

An inspiring and engaging Ocean, Ocean Decade laboratories, 7-8 July 2021, virtual

9th EuroGOOS International Conference. 3-5 May 2021, virtual

8th Conference of Pan-Hellenic Educators Association for Environmental Education, 11-13 September 2020, Patras, Greece (virtual)

7th European Marine Science Educators Association Conference 2019, organized by European Marine Science Educators Association, 16-20 September 2019, Sāo Miguel, Azores

6th European Marine Science Educators Association Conference 2018, organized by European Marine Science Educators Association, 2-5 October 2018, Newcastle, UK

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, 8-13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 20, EGU2018-17617-1.

International Sandy Beaches Symposium, 25-29 May 2018, Crete Greece.

8th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, 20-23 March 2018, Athens, Greece.

5th European Marine Science Educators Association Conference 2017, organized by European Marine Science Educators Association, 7-10 October 2017, Malta (Book of abstracts, pp. 19).

51st European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS), 26-30 September 2016, Rhodes, Greece (Book of abstracts, p. 42).

4th European Marine Science Educators Association Conference 2016, organized by European Marine Science Educators Association, 4-7 October 2016, Belfast, Ireland (Book of abstracts, pp. 17-18).

41st CIESM Congress, The Mediterranean Science Commission, 12-16 September 2016, Kiel, Germany.

International Symposium “Marine Protected Areas in Greece and the Mediterranean: Designing for the Future by Applying Lessons Learnt from the Past”, organized by the Management Agency of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, 4-6 December 2015, Zakynthos, Greece (Book of abstracts, pp. 23-24).

3rd European Marine Science Educators Association Conference 2015, 28 September- 1 October 2015, Crete, Greece.

Ecology at the Interface: Science-based solutions for human well-being”, the 13th European Ecological Federation (EEF) and 25th Italian Society of Ecologists (S.It.E.) joint Conference, 20-27 October 2015, Rome, Italy.

13th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (ICZEGAR), 7-11 October 2015, Iraklion, Crete, Greece.

Global Congress on Integrated Coastal Management: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges, 29 October-3 November 2013, Marmaris, Turkey.

3rd International Workshop "Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems, 14-15 February 2013, Bremen, Germany.

EU BON Joint Workshop of WP1 and WP6: citizen science within the framework of EU BON, 19 November 2013, Berlin, Germany.

COMBER – Citizens' Network for the Observation of Marine Biodiversity. Vibrant Citizen science workshop, 24-25 January 2013, London, UK.

Biodiversity Informatics Horizons 2020 Conference, 3-6 September 2013, Rome, Italy.

6th World Fisheries Congress, 7-11 May 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland, K.

1st European Conference on Ocean Literacy, 12 October 2012, Brugges, Belgium.

5th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium (EUROLAG), 25-30 July 2011, University of Aveiro, Portugal.

World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, 26-30 September 2011, Aberdeen, Scotland, K.

2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 20-24 February 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, S.A. (Invited Author).

Symposium on Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management, 12-14 November 2002, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.

CIAC Cephalopod Biomass and Production, 3-7 July 2000, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.


2022: Sample collection with the reconstructed Research Vessel R/V PHILIA, REPHIL project, Participant Researcher

2021-2022: Monitoring study of the marine area of the wastewater treatment plant of Chania city (northwestern Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of Chania (Crete Island). Role: Principal Investigator.

2021-2022: Monitoring study of the marine area of the wastewater treatment plant of Heraklion city (Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of Heraklion (Crete Island). Role: Principal Investigator.

2021-2022: Monitoring study of the marine area of the wastewater treatment plant of Platanias (Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of northern Crete (Crete Island). Role: Principal Investigator.

2020: Walking on the sea traces. An initiative on the occasion of the World Ocean Day 2020 at an international level ( Role: Participant Researcher.

2014-2021: Watching for jellyfish blooms. A program of the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM). Role: Principal Investigator for Crete Island which is one of the focal points of the program (

2016: Investigation of the environmental impacts from the installation of the disposal of cooling water in the marine area of the Power Station of Chania city (northwestern Crete, Greece). Funding: Power Corporation of Chania (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2014-2015: Current capacity assessment and seasonal monitoring study of the marine area of the wastewater treatment plant of Heraklion city (northern Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of Heraklion (Crete Island). Role: Principal Investigator.

2013-2014:  Development of a Watershed Management Plan for the District of Crete under the EU Water Framework Directive. Funding: Greek General Secretariat for Water. Role: Participant Researcher.

2013-2014:   Environemntal study of the marine area of the wastewater treatment plant of Rethymnon city (northwestern Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of Rethymnon (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2013-2014: Monitoring study of the marine area of the wastewater treatment plant of Chania city (northwestern Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of Chania (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2013-2014:  Environemntal study of the marine areas of the wastewater treatment plants of Georgioupolis and Kalyves (northwestern Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipality of Apokoronas (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2013-2014:  Environemntal study of the marine areas of the wastewater treatment plants along the northwestern coasts of Crete Island (Greece). Funding: Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of the northwestern coasts of Crete Island. Role: Participant Researcher.

2012-2013: Environmental impact assessment and techno-economic pre-feasibility study for the development of an underwater diving park for recreational purposes by using artificial reefs in Bay of Sitia (northeastern Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipality of Sitia (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2012: Investigation of the environmental impacts from the disposal of cooling water and wastewater treatment plant in the marine area of the Power Station in Atherinolakos (southeastern Crete, Greece). Funding: Public Power Corporation (Greece). Role: Participant Researcher.

2011-2012: Environemntal study of the marine area of the wastewater treatment plant of Heraklion city (northern Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of Heraklion (Crete Island). Role: Principal Investigator

2010: Feasibility Study for the development of two marine protected zones with artificial reefs in Messara Bay (southern Crete, Greece). Funding: Heraklion Prefecture (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2010: Environmental study of the marine area of the wastewater treatment plants of Santorini Island (south Aegean Sea, Greece). Funding: Water Board Authority of Santorini Island. Role: Participant Researcher.

2010:  Development of marine protected zones with artificial reefs in the marine areas of Kasteli Kissamos and Elafonisi (western Crete, Greece). Funding: Chania Prefecture (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

1996-2010: Environmental Monitoring of wastewater treatment plant of Chania (northern Crete, Greece). Funding: Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of Chania (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2008-2009:  Ecosystem-based management of coastal habitats for fish of commercial value (eastern Crete, Greece). Funding: Lasithi Prefecture (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2006-2009: Underwater Recreation Park with Artificial reefs in Ag. Nikolaos (northeastern Crete, Greece). Funding: Lasithi Prefecture (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2006-2007: Integrated Coastal Zone Management for Elounda Bay (northeastern Crete, Greece). Funding: Lasithi Prefecture (Crete Island). Role: Participant Researcher.

2003-2004Environmental and Economical Marine Pollution Project for Power and Desalination Plants of Libya. Funding: General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL). Role: Research Assistant.

Organization of conferences & symposia

In the framework of ERASMUS+ project entitled “Supporting the development of socially inclusive Blue Challenges in schools in the Mediterranean sea-basin” (BlueS_Med), a training event for 45 teachers and pupils of elementary and high schools from four Mediterranean countries (France, Italy, Malta, Greece) took place in the premises of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research in Crete between 5 and 8 May 2022. The aim of the project is to develop innovative science-based and ocean related educational material addressing ocean/marine issues building on previous experiences from schools and school partners, using benchmarking exercise as a reference, co-building with children, teachers and school partners. The training event included workshops, labs and field work organized by the Educational Teams of HCMR and Cretaquarium for the students and the teachers that participate in the project, a tour at the Cretaquarium, and a tour at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion with emphasis on exhibits related to marine life of Minoans.

Organization of a special session concerning Mediterranean Sea (and Fresh Water) Literacy in the Era of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) at Marine and Inland Waters Research Symposium 2022, 16-20 September 2022, Porto Heli, Argolida, Greece

Scientific reviewing

Deep Sea Research Ι & ΙΙ, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, Hydrobiologia, Fisheries Research, Environmental Biology of Fishes, Scientia Marina, Biodiversity Data Journal, Turkish Journal of Zoology, Regional Studies in Marine Science, Journal of Natural History, Sustainability, Water, Journal of Marine Science & Engineering, Mediterranean Marine Science

Guest Editor for special issues in the scientific journals of Mediterranean Marine Science (2021-2022), Journal of Marine Science & Engineering (2020-2023), Sustainability (2022-2023), Education Sciences (2022-2023)

Membership of scientific societies

Member of the European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA) and especially of the Mediterranean Working Group on Ocean Literacy of the EMSEA (2015 to date)

Co-chair of the Expert Working Group on Ocean Literacy of the European Global Ocean Observing System (EuroGOOS, 2021-2024) and member of the Expert Working Group on Ocean Literacy of EuroGOOS since 2019 (to date)

Representative of HCMR which is founding member organization of EU4Ocean Coalition and Platform (2020 to date)

Member of the Advisory Board of EU funded CONNECT project (Horizon 2020), 2021-2023

Member of the Scientific Council of IMBBC (2020 to date)

Awards & distinctions

Collaboration with the teacher irini Skoula and students of the primary school of Gournes Pediados (Crete) in order to participate in the competition organized by the 4th Educational Symposium of Phycology entitled «Algae in Life of the Planet Earth», 27-29 March 2015, Cretaquarium, Crete, Greece. 1st award for the design and development of a fairytale concerning climate change for its pedagogic and scientific approaches. Skoula I., Koulouri P., Dounas C., 2019. The Kingdom of Photophilous Algae. BIOWATCH Editions, Heraklion, Crete, 48+x pp.


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