Title: Valorization of Marine Invasive Alien Species a Pathway Towards the Protection of European Marine Biodiversity: From Destructive Invaders to a Source of Wealth

Funding Source: EU HEurope

Budget IMBBC: 322,000€

Start / End Date: 2024 - 2027

Web site URL:

Project Progress: 31%

Principal Investigator:

Ioannis Nengas

Project Members:

Research Directions:

Marine biodiversity


VALIAS aims to match the need for managing the marine Invasive Alien Species (IAS) populations with the growing demand for marine derived-products. Under the frame of circular economy, the valorization of unexploited IAS can represent a sustainable strategy for the realization of a circular bio-economy, with the production of stable and safe food, fish feed and cosmetic ingredients. Various compounds with high commercial value obtained from IAS byproducts, including collagen, enzymes, bioactive peptides, minerals and functional fatty acids will be valorized in VALIAS. In this way, we may turn the current problem represented by marine IAS into a "Win-Win" solution both for the European fisheries and for the companies active in the sector of aquaculture, nutrition and cosmetology. Specifically, VALIAS will contribute to the limitation of IAS stocks and of their negative ecological and economic impact on marine life, fisheries, human welfare, and health in European seas.

The Principle investigator of the program for HCMR is Dr P Karachle (IMBRIW) and Dr. Ioannis Negas is in charge of the activities implemented by IMBBC