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Marine biodiversity
Marine biodiversity

We address all levels of biological diversity in the marine realm, from genes to ecosystems and from microbes to metazoans, for ecological and biotechnological purposes

Aquaculture facilities
Aquaculture facilities

We operate a large variety of tanks for breeding, larval rearing, nursery and grow-out, and feeding and behaviour studies

Omics in Aquaculture
Omics in Aquaculture

With -omics approaches we elucidate the genetic basis of phenotypic variability in Mediterranean aquaculture

Fish reproduction
Fish reproduction

We study reproductive function and its control in captivity, a prerequisite for the sustainable development of commercial aquaculture

Fish nutrition
Fish nutrition

Feeding comprises 60% of total aquaculture production costs, and we work to develop high-performing and environmentally safe feeds with sustainable ingredients

Ecology & ecosystem management
Ecology & ecosystem management

As marine habitats change and adapt due to global and local pressures, we monitor and assess ecological states, taking into account current environmental challenges

Population genetics and evolution
Population genetics and evolution

We study the evolution of natural populations to address their response to climate change and invasion processes, and enable conservation and stock management

Diversification of aquaculture production
Diversification of aquaculture production

Our research into the biology of new finfish species, such as meagre, greater amberjack and Atlantic bluefin tuna, supports the diversification of aquaculture

Marine aquaculture
Marine aquaculture

Pilot scale netpet facilities are used for small-scale commercial grow-out, to develop new tools & methods for Mediterranean fishes

Bioinformatics and diversity informatics
Bioinformatics and diversity informatics

We employ a wide variety of informatics techniques to deal with the current unprecedented accumulation rate of biological data

Welcome to the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC)

“Our mission is to continue to be a centre of excellence and knowledge production in marine research in Europe, and offer our scientific services to society, public administration and private companies active in the study, conservation and sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources”

IMBBC leaflet

Historical background

IMBBC Timeline


Dr Pascal Divanach has passed away on May 14, 2021

Με μεγάλη μας θλίψη ενημερώνουμε ότι ο Δρ. Pascal Divanach απεβίωσε στις 14 Μαΐου 2021 μετά από άνιση μάχη με την επάρατη νόσο.  

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. 

Dr Pascal Divanach has passed away on May 14, 2021

It is with great sadness that we announce that Dr. Pascal Divanach passed away on 14 May, 2021 after a long battle with a terminal illness.  Dr. P. Divanach was a pioneer of marine finfish aquaculture worldwide and one of the founding researchers of what is today the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research a world class research on marine sciences

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