Aspasia Sterioti

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Full CV
Personal InformationAspasia Sterioti
Principal Researcher
Fisheries & Aquaculture/ Marine Aquariology

HCMR Thalassocosmos 71500 Gournes, Crete, Greece

+30 2810337886

Field & DegreeAquaculture, PhD
LocationCreta Aquarium
Mobile Number+30 6936541783
ResearchGate ID
Scopus iD6506338754
Gender Female | Date of birth 1967/03/10
Scientific impact
Publication recordNo of ProjectsThesis supervision
H-index (scopus): 8PhD: 1
Articles: 15MSc: 1
Citations-total: 389Project member: 12BSc: 126
Citations-nonself: 389
Education & training
Year (completed) Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country
2007Training Course on Sea Turtle and Rehabilitation, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn & UNEP/MAP (Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)), Naples, Italy
2005Ph.D. Marine Biology, Biology Department, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
2001Training: Microscopie électronique transmission et à balayage et Microanalyses "Ecole d’'été": materiaux mous. Université Montpellier II, Sciences et Techniques du Lanquedoc - Roussillion, Laboratoire de Mictoscopie Electronique. ASSOCIATION NATIONALE DE LA RECHERCHE TECHNIQUE (ARNT), Montpellier, France
1999M.Sc. Marine Biology, Biology Department, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
1996B.Sc. Biology, Biology Department, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
1988B.Sc. Ichthyology, Fisheries & Aquaculture, TEI Mesolonghi, Greece
Work Experience
Year (start) Position – Organization, Town (optional), Country
2017Principle Researcher (Associate Professor equivalent), IMBBC, Heraklion, Greece
2006Assistant Researcher (Assistant Professor equivalent), Institute of aquaculture, Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Heraklion, Greece
2006Responsible of Aquariology, CretAquarium, Heraklion, Greece
1989Research Scientist, Department of Aquaculture, Institute of Marine Biology of Crete (IMBC), Heraklion, Crete, Greece
1988Assistant hatchery manager, Sagro Aquaculture LtD, Pafos, Cyprus
Personal skills
Mother tongue(s)Greek
Other language(s)
Language Basic/Intermediate/Proficient
FrenchCertificat de Langue Française
SpanishBasic/ Independent
Computer skills Apple computers
Other skills Agriculture


International conferences

1.      Divanach, P., Koumoundouros, G., Kentouri, M., Sterioti, A., 1992. Développement prélarvaire du Pagre Pagrus pagrus et du Denté Dentex dentex en Crète. (Poster presantation). Condensés des travaux présentés lors du XXXIII Congrès-Assemblèe pléniére, CIESM. Trieste, Italy, October , 1992. Rapp. comm. int. Mer Médit., Vol.33: 384.

2.      Kentouri, M., Koumoundouros, G., Divanach, P., Sterioti. A., 1992. Développement embryonnaire du Pagre Pagrus pagrus et du Denté Dentex dentex en Crète. (Poster presantation). Condensés des travaux présentés lors du XXXIII Congrès-Assemblèe pléniére, CIESM. Trieste, Italy, October , 1992. Rapp. comm. int. Mer Médit., Vol.33: 385.

3.      Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., Charalambakis, G., Pouget, F. and Sterioti, A., 1993. Comparison of growth performance of six Mediterranean fish species reared under intensive farming conditions in Crete (Greece), in raceways with the use of self feeders. Production, Environment and Quality. Bordeaux Aquaculture ‘92. Bordeaux, France. March 23-27, 1993. G. Barnabé and P. Kestemont (Eds), Chent, Belgium, Special Publication No. 18: 285-297.

4.      Divanach, P., Sterioti, A., Papapetrou, M., Kotzambasis, K. & Kentouri, M., 1998. Pilot scale mass production of marine microalgae Chlorella minutissima using solar energy in Crete. Influence of the seasonal factor. (Oral presantation). Greek Association of Aquacultures Scientists (G.A.A.S.). 1st Balkan Aquaculture Conference, HELEXPO - International Fair of Thessaloniki, Pavillion No 8. Thessaloniki, Greece, September 18-21, 1998. Proceedings.

5.      Bengoa-Ruigomez M.V., Anastasiadis P., Sterioti A., Kotzabasis K., Divanach P., 1998. Preliminary study of Chlorella minutissima growth using a photoreactor in Crete in July. Proceeding of Marine Bioprocess Engineering International Symposium, held under auspices of the Working Party on Applied biocatalysis of the European Federation of Biotechnology and the European Society of Marine Biotechnology. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, November 8-11, 1998. Proceedings: 124.

6.      Bengoa-Ruigomez, M.V., Anastasiadis, P., Carrillo, J., Sterioti, A., Kotzabasis, K., & Divanach, M., 1999. Preliminary study on Chlorella minutissima production in Crete during summer using a solar photobioreactor. VII Congreso National de Acuicultura. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Mayo 19-21, 1999. H. Fernandez P. Farber & M. Izquierdo Lopez (Eds), Serie Monografias del ICCM No 4, 2001: 16-23.

7.      Sterioti, A., Papapetrou, M., Vera-Catalan, T., Anastasiadis, P., Divanach, P., 2002. Quick and reliable hyper-intensive production of rotifers Brachionus plicatilis with phytoplankton from solar photobioreactor. Applications for marine finfish larviculture. (Oral presantation). 1st International Congress on Aquaculture, Fisheries Technology & Environmental Management, ECEP. Athens, Greece, June 8-10, 2002. Proceedings (CD).

8.      Sterioti, A., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 2003. A comparison of 3 food chains in the winter production of larval sea bream (Sparus aurata, Sparidae) using mesocosm technology. (Poster presentation). Beyontd Monoculture. European Aquaculture Society (EAS), Aquaculture Europe 2003. Trondheim, Norway, August 8-12, 2003. T. Chopin and H. Reinertsen (Eds), EAS Special Publication No. 33: 325 - 327.

9.       Sterioti, A., Kentouri, M., Pavlidis, M., Divanach, P., 2004. In vitro response of reared red porgy (Pagrus pagrus, Teleostei: Sparidae) melanophores on hornones. (Oral presentation). Biotechnologies for Quality. European Aquaculture Society (EAS), Aquaculture Europe 2004. Barcelona, Spain, October 20-23, 2004. S. Adams and A. Olafsen (Eds), EAS Special Publication No. 34: 760 - 761.

10.    Katharios, P., Sterioti, A., Divanach, P. 2006. Cretaquarium: Aquatic animal related challenges in setting up a new public aquarium. International Symposium in Aquatic Animal Health. San Francisco, USA, September 2-6, 2006. Book of Abstracts: pp 254.

11.    Sterioti, A., Divanach, P., Papadakis, M. 2006. Cretaquarium Thalassocosmos. (Oral presentation). First Meeting of Mediterranean Aquariums. Nice, France, November 5-11, 2006. Book of Abstracts.

12.    Sterioti, A. 2006. Cretaquarium. (Oral presentation). Presentation for the candidature as European Union of Aquarium Curators (EUAC) associate member, 24th EUAC meeting 2006. Brest, France, October 2-7, 2006.

13.    Sterioti, A., Papadakis, M., Chatzinikolaou, P., Divanach, P. 2008. CRETAQUARIUM: The first large-scale public aquarium of Greece. (Poster presentation). 7th International Aquarium Curatots Symposium (7th IAC), Shanghai, China, October 19-24, 2008. Book of Abstracts.

14.    Sterioti, A., Papadakis, M., Divanach, P. 2009. The new tanks and display windows of CRETAQUARIUM. (Oral presentation). 26th E.U.A.C. meeting, Oceanografico. Valencia, Spain, October 28th – November 1st. Book of Abstracts, pp. 18.

15.    Divanach, P., Sterioti, A. 2009. Aesthetic and functionality in Aquariology. New concept of integrated system. (Oral presentation). 26th E.U.A.C. meeting, Oceanografico. Valencia, Spain, October 28th – November 1st, 2009. Book of Abstracts, pp. 43.

16.    Doxa, K. C., Kourepini, M., Sterioti, A., Kentouri, M., Divanach, P. 2009. Feeding behavior and food selection of the fasted marine gastropod Charonia tritonis variegata (Lamarck, 1816) in experimental aquaria. Oral Presentation. 26th E.U.A.C. meeting, Oceanografico. Valencia, Spain, October 28th – November 1st, 2009. Book of Abstracts, pp. 36.

17.    Sterioti, A., Pineiro Bellas, J., Kentouri, M., Divanach, P. 2010. Temperature modification and mode of adaptation on Rachycentron canadum (cobia) juvenile. Survival, growth and behavior. (Oral presentation). 27th E.U.A.C. meeting, Cretaquarium – Thalassocosmos. Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 2 – 6, 2010. Book of Abstracts, pp. 8.

18.    Doxa, K.C., Sterioti, A., Kentouri, M., Divanach, P. 2010. Reproductive biology of the marine gastropod Tonna galea (Linnaeus, 1758). (Poster Presentation). 27th E.U.A.C. meeting, Cretaquarium – Thalassocosmos. Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 2 – 6, 2010. Book of Abstracts, pp. 42.

19.    Doxa, C. K., Sterioti, A., Kentouri, M., Divanach, P. 2010. Feeding capacity of the reef associated gastropod Charonia tritonis variegata (Lamarck, 1816) in captivity. (Poster presentation). Euro ISRS symposium 2010: Reefs in a changing environment. Wageningen, The Netherlands, December 13-17, 2010. Poster session C: Aquarium and Mesocosm Studies (P-C2). Book of Abstracts, pp.234.

20.    Sterioti, A., Doxa, C. K., Doulamis, T., Grigoriou, P., Divanach, P. 2011. Shark’s aggressive behavior towards the Seriola dumerilii. (Oral presentation). 28th E.U.A.C. meeting, Ozeaneum. Stralsund, Germany, October 10 – 14, 2011. Book of Abstracts.

21.    Doxa, C. K., Chatzifotis, S., Sterioti, A., Kentouri, M., Divanach, P. 2011. Consumption and digestibility of sea stars Luidia sarcii & Astropecten aranciacus by the marine gastropod Charonia tritonis variegata (Lamarck, 1816). (Oral presentation). “Aquaculture Europe 2011: Mediterranean Aquaculture 2020”. Rhodes, Greece, October 18 – 21, 2011. Book of Extended Abstracts.

22.    Doxa, K.C., Fragiadaki, E., Sterioti, A., Kentouri, M., Divanach. P. 2012. Feeding adaptation of the marine gastropod Charonia tritonis variegata in captivity. AQUA 2012, Secure our Future, European Aquaculture Society and World Aquaculture Society. Prague, Chech, September 1-5, 2012. Book of Abstracts.

23.    Sterioti, A., Papadakis, M. 2013. The components of a successful Aquarium in an island of the Greek Archipelago. (Oral Presentation, Invited speech). Conference: Interdisciplinary Aquaria for the Promotion of Environment and History, A.Pr.E.H, “INTERREG IV Greece – Italy 2007-2013”, Argostoli, Κefalonia, Greece, 2-6 July. Proceedings: 40-43.

24.    Doxa, C.K, Sterioti, A., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M. 2013. Effect of temperature on embryonic development of the marine gastropod Charonia seguenzae (Aradas & Benoit, 1870). World Congress of Malacology, 21-28 July, Ponta Delgada, Portugal. Book of Abstracts.

25.    Sterioti, A., Nikiforakis, P., Doxa, C.K., Vardanis, G., Divanach, P. 2013. The role of CRETAQUARIUM (Crete, Greece) on Sea Turtle Rehabilitation. (Oral presentation). 29th E.U.A.C. meeting, ATLANTIS by SEA LIFE, Legoland, Billund, Denmark, 21 – 25 October, 2013. Book of Abstracts.

26.    Doxa, C.K., Grigoriou, P., Divanach, P., Sterioti, A. 2014. Effect of temperature on growth performance of the lessepsian migrant Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin, 1789). (Oral presentation). 30th E.U.A.C. meeting, GENOA AQUARIUM, Genova, Italy, 17 – 22 November, 2014. Book of Abstracts.

27.    Doxa, C.K., Sterioti, A., Divanach, P., Kentouri., M. 2014. Aquariums as a mean to study marine ecology of endangered invertebrates. The case of preying and day-night activity of Charonia seguenzae. (Oral presentation). 30th E.U.A.C. meeting, GENOA AQUARIUM, Genova, Italy, 17 – 22 November, 2014. Book of Abstracts.

28.    Doxa, C.K., Vardanis, G., Grigoriou, P., Bitzilekis, E., Katharios, P., Sterioti, A. 2015. A new therapy for sea turtles parasitized by the piscicolid leech Ozobranchus margoi (Apathy, 1890). (Oral presentation). 31th E.U.A.C. meeting, AQUARIUM LORO PARQUE, Tenerife, Spain, 12 – 16 October, 2015. Book of Abstracts.

29.    Grigoriou, P., Stoimenou, E., Sterioti, A. 2015. The effect of pH on growth of Sepia officinalis at Cretaquarium. (Oral presentation). 31th E.U.A.C. meeting, AQUARIUM LORO PARQUE, Tenerife, Spain, 12 – 16 October, 2015. Book of Abstracts.

30.    Sfakianakis, D.G., Doulamis, T., Doxa, C.K., Papandroulakis, N., Sterioti, A. 2015. Evolution of fish deformities in time. (Oral presentation). AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2015: Aquaculture, Nature and Society, Session: New Issues in Aquaculture. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 20 – 23 October, 2015. Book of Abstracts: a – b p.

31.    Sterioti, A., Doxa, C.K., Grigoriou, P., Papadakis, M. 2016. Ten years of experience at CRETAQUARIUM. (Oral presentation, SKYPE). "2nd Public Aquarium in The Modern World", Saint-Petersburg Public Aquarium & Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EARAZA). Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 21 - 24 June, 2016. Book of Abstracts.

 32.    Doxa, C.K., Sterioti, A., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M. 2016. Secret aspects of the reproductive biology of the triton Charonia seguenzae revealed at CRETAQUARIUM. (Oral presentation). AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2016. Session: Mollusc Production and Health. Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., 20 – 23 September, 2016. Book of Abstracts: 287 pp.

 33.    Tsakogiannis, A., Manousaki, T., Lagnel, J., Pavlidis, M., Sterioti, A., Papandroulakis, N., Mylonas, C.C., Tsigenopoulos, C.S. 2016. Transcriptome exploration and screening for sex-biased differences in three Sparids: common Pandora, red porgy and common dentex. (Poster Presentation, 269). AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2016. Session: Application of Genetics and Genomics in Aquaculture. Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., 20 – 23 September, 2016. Book of Abstracts: 1046-1047 pp.

34.    Sterioti, A., Zimmerman, B., Kalogianni, E., Papadakis, M. 2016. Springs of Life: The new exhibition of the CRETAQUARIUM (Crete, Greece). (Oral presentation). "9th International Aquarium Congress", Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre. Vancouver, Canada, 25 – 30 September, 2016. Book of Abstracts: 32 pp.

 35.    Doxa, C.K., Sterioti, A., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M. 2017. Effect of temperature on consumption rates of the marine gastropod Charonia seguenzae (Aradas & Benoit, 1870). (Poster presentation). AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2017. Session: Mollusc Aquaculture. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 17 – 20 October, 2017. Book of Abstracts: 307-308 pp.

 36.    Sterioti, A., Zaimaki, M., Theodorou, J. 2017. Feeding behavior and pseudofaeces production of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamark 1819) at indoor conditions. (Oral presentation). 13th International MEDCOAST Congress on Costal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management & Conservation (MEDCOAST 17). Mellieha, Malta, 31 October – 4 November, 2017. Book of Abstracts: -- pp.

Greek conferences

  1. Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., Sterioti, A., 1993. Use of  mesocosm for mass fry production of Puntazzo puntazzo. (Oral presentation). 6th Panhellenic Symposium of Ichthyologists, 4–6 June, Xanthi, Greece. 10 pp.  
  2. Kentouri, M., Sterioti, A., Divanach, P., 1995. Preliminary results of dentex (Dentex dentex) under extensive rearing conditions.  (Oral presentation). Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, 17th Panhellenic Symposium, 27 - 29 April, Patras, Greece. Proceedings:116-117.
  3. Divanach, P., Στεριώτη, A., Kentouri, M., 1995. Winter  production of sea-bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) under extensive rearing conditions. (Oral presentation). Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, 17th Panhellenic Symposium, 27 - 29 April, Patras, Greece. Proceeding:118-119.
  4. Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., Sterioti, A., 1995. Use of mesocom method for mass production of fry of Diplodus annularis (Oral presentation). 7th Panhellenic Symposium of Ichthyologists, 22 - 24 September, Volos, Greece. 10 pp.
  5. Kyriakos, Z., Stefanakis, S., Divanach, P., Anezaki, A., Chatziathanasiou, A., Papapetrou, M., Sterioti, A., Kentouri, M., 1996. Larval rearing of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus), under intensive and semi-intensive rearing conditions. (Oral presentation). 2nd Symposium of the Federation of Greek Mariculture  (ΣEΘ), 13-14 November, Athens, Greece. Fishing News, November 1997: 74-79
  6. Divanach, P., Sterioti, A., Papapetrou, M., Kentouri, M., 1997. First results of larval rearing of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) under extensive rearing conditions (Oral presentation). 5th Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Ωκεανογραφίας και Aλιείας, 15 - 18 April, Kavala, Greece. Proceeding, Vol. II: 187-190.
  7. Sterioti, A., Divanach, P., Papapetrou, M., Maingot, E., Kentouri., M., 1998. Larval and fry rearing of dentex (Dentex dentex) under two semi-extensive conditions. (Oral presentation). Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, 20th Panhellenic Symposium, 28 - 31 May, Pythagorion, Samos, Greece. Proceeding: 321.
  8. Sterioti, A., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 2000. Concentration and counting method of larvae of sea bream (Sparus aurata) in semi-extensive rearing conditions. (Oral presentation). 9th Panhellenic Symposium of Ichthyologists, 20 - 23 Janyary, Mesolonghi, Greece. Proceeding: 251-254.
  9. Sterioti, A., Kentouri, M., Divanach, P., 2000. Effect of initial concentration on growth of the marine rotifer Synchaeta sp. under natural conditions in Crete. (Oral presentation). 6th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, 23-26 May, Chios, Greece. Proceeding, Vol. II: 274-278.
  10. Sterioti, A., Diaz, J.P., Connes, R., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 2001. Study of the thin structure of the skin of reared individuals of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus, Sparidae) (Oral presentation). 10th Panhellenic Symposium of Ichthyologists, 18 - 20 October, Chania, Greece. Proceeding: 169-171.
  11. Sterioti, A.,Kεντούρη, M., Divanach, P., 2003. The effect of the color of the tanks on the dispersion of the pigment in the melanophores of the skin of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus, Sparidae) (Oral presentation). 11th Panhellenic Symposium of Ichthyologists, 10 - 14 April, Preveza, Greece. Proceeding: 199-202.
  12.  Sterioti, A., Kentouri, M., Pavlidis, M., Divanach, P., 2003. Comparative morphological study of reared and wild individuals of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus, Sparidae) based on the concentration of  melanophores in the skin. (Oral presentation). 7th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, 6-9 May, Chersonisos, Crete, Greece. Proceeding: 218.
  13. Sterioti, A., Dermon, K.P., Zambetaki, M., Pavlidis, M., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 2003. Response of melanophores of reared red porgy (Pagrus pagrus, Teleost: Sparidae) to adrenergic substances. (Oral presentation). Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, 25th Panhellenic Symposium, 29 May - 1 June, Mitilini, Greece. Proceeding: 304 - 305.
  14. Doxa, C.Κ., Kourepini Μ., Sterioti, Α., Kentouri, Μ., Divanach, P. 2009. Degree of acceptance of food from the marine gastropod Charonia tritonis variegata (Lamarck, 1816) under captivity conditions. (Oral presentation). 9th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, 13-16 May, Patras, Greece. Proceeding, Vol. II, 1036-1038.
Organization of conferences & symposia

2010           Scientific Committee, member – 27th Annual meeting of European Union of Aquarium Curators (EUAC). 2– 6 October, Thalassocosmos – Cretaquarium. Heraklion Crete, Greece.

2012           Scientific Committee, member – Energy resources in the Eastern Mediterranean. An open discussion of the scientific community with society, in the context of the exhibition on climate change hosted by the Cretaquarium. 26th September, Thalassocosmos – Cretaquarium. Heraklion Crete, Greece.

2017           Local Committee, member – Cephalopod Science from Biology to Welfare. A COST Action Fa1301 “Cephs InAction” & Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC) Meeting. Member of the local committee. 28– 31 March, Thalassocosmos – Cretaquarium. Heraklion Crete, Greece.

2018         Organizer – 2nd Sea Turtle Husbandry. 15-17 May, Thalassocosmos – Cretaquarium. Heraklion Crete, Greece.


Scientific reviewing

2013           15th Panhellenic Symposium of Ichthyologists (1)

2015           11th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries (1)

2016           Plos one (1)

2017           Vie et Milieu (1)

2018           3nd HydroMediT (3)

Membership of scientific societies

Since 1988           Member of PASTI (Association of Ichthyologists of Mesolonghi), Greece.

Since 1999           Member of Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOTEE, Regist. No. 5-00396).

2006-2008                Associated member of European Union Aquarium Curators (EUAC).

Since 2008           Full member of European Union Aquarium Curators (EUAC).

Since 2016           Member of Hellenic Phycological Society.


Awards & distinctions

2011                   T.E.I. OF MESOLONGHI. Fisheries and Aquaculture. 30 years of contribution to Technological Education and provincial development. Awarded for her scientific and professional success as well as her social status and activism, which honor the Technological Institute. 8th June, Mesolonghi, Greece.

2012-2018           Representative of Greece and Italy in the Executive Committee of the European Union of Aquarium Curators (EUAC). Thrice unanimously elected member of the Executive Committee for six consecutive years. First Committee decision taken during the 28th European Union Aquarium Curators (EUAC) Meeting, Stralsund, Germany, 2011.



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