Orestis Stavrakidis-Zachou

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Personal InformationOrestis Stavrakidis-Zachou
PositionResearch fellow
Field & DegreeBiology, PhD
Research FieldClimate Change, Physiology, Mathematical Modeling
E-mail Address ostavrak@hcmr.gr
AddressHCMR Thalassocosmos 71500 Gournes, Crete, Greece
ORCID iD0000-0003-4451-2916

climate change, fish physiology, mathematical modelling, DEB

Study of fish thermal stress (climate change) and determination of rearing parameters for optimum biological performance using mathematical (modelling) and experimental (physiology) approaches. Mathematical modelling of biological systems with focus on fish bioenergetics and particularly the effects of temperature and feeding on fish metabolism. species of interest: E. seabass, g. seabream, meagre, g. amberjack.

Publication record
H-index (scopus): 3
Articles: 13
Citations-total: 147
Year (completed) Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country
2022PhD in Biology, Univerity of Crete
2016MSc Marine Biology, University College Cork, Ireland
2014School of Biology, Biology degree, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Year (start) Position – Organization, Town (optional), Country
2017HCMR, Crete
Language Basic/Intermediate/Proficient

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