Elena Sarropoulou

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Full CV
Personal InformationElena Sarropoulou
Research Director
Functional & Epi-Genomics

HCMR Thalassocosmos 71500 Gournes, Crete, Greece

+30 2810 337753


Field & DegreeBiology and Chemistry
SectionBiodiversity & Genetics
LocationMain Building
Secondary E-mailesarris5@gmail.com
Personal Web Pagehttp://elena-sarropoulou.weebly.com/
ORCID iD0000-0003-1824-9405
Researcher ID0000-0003-1824-9405
ResearchGate ID13.205.538.100
Scopus iD13205538100
Scientific impact
Publication recordNo of ProjectsThesis supervision
H-index (scopus): 19Coordinator: 3PhD: 5
Articles: 58Princ. Invest.: 10MSc: 8
Citations-total: 1,369Project member: 25BSc: 5
Citations-nonself: 1,265Funding: 572,652
Education & training
Year (completed) Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country
2004PhD award (Magna cum laude) (August 2001 – May 2004) MPI Institute for Developmental Biology and Eberhard - Karls University Tübingen, Germany .Advisors: Dr. R. Geisler, Prof. C. Nüsslein-Vollhard, Prof. N. Blin.
2000Diplom in Biology, (Nov. 1993 – Oct. 2000), LMU, Munich, Germany
1999Erstes Staatsexamen für Lehramt in Biologie und Chemie vertieft” (MSc) LMU, Munich, Germany.
Work Experience
Year (start) Position – Organization, Town (optional), Country
2021Research Director, IMBBC-HCMR, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
2017Senior Researcher, IMBBC-HCMR, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
2012Associated Researcher, IMBBC-HCMR, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
2007Research Assistent, IMBBC-HCMR, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
2001Research Fellow, Max-Planck Institute, Τübingen, Germany
Personal skills
Mother tongue(s)Greek
Other language(s)
Language Basic/Intermediate/Proficient
Organization of conferences & symposia

Co-Coordinator of the Genomics in Aquaculture (GIA) conferences since 2009

Scientific reviewing

Regular reviewer for the journals Acta Biochimica, Applied Ichthyology, Animal Genetics, Aquaculture, BMC Genomics, BMC Molecular Evolution, BMC Biology, Comparative Biochemistry, and Physiology Part C and D, DNA research, Gene, Genome, Genetica, GigaScience, Genome biology, Genomics, Journal of Fish Biology, Fish and Shellfish, Fish and Biochemistry, Fish and Shellfish Immunology, Marine Biotechnology, Marine Genomics,  Physiological Genomics, PloSOne, Scientific Reports.


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