Vasilis Gerovasileiou

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Full CV
Personal InformationVasilis Gerovasileiou
Collaborative University Faculty
Marine Biology

HCMR Thalassocosmos 71500 Gournes, Crete, Greece

Field & DegreeMarine Science (PhD)
SectionBiodiversity & Genetics
Personal Web Page
ORCID iD0000-0002-9143-7480
Scopus iD55313619300
Linked iN
| Date of birth 1984/02/27
Scientific impact
Publication recordNo of ProjectsThesis supervision
H-index (scopus): 30PhD: 2
Articles: 98Princ. Invest.: 6MSc: 2
Citations-total: 2,067Project member: 18BSc: 5
Citations-nonself: 1,664Funding: 336,928
Education & training
Year (completed) Degree, Department, University, Town (optional), Country
2006BSc in Marine Science, Department of Marine Sciences, School of Environment, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece
2007MSc in Coastal Management, Department of Marine Sciences, School of Environment, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece
2014PhD in Marine Biology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Work Experience
Year (start) Position – Organization, Town (optional), Country
2004Research fellow - Department of Marine Sciences, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece
2009Research fellow - School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
2014Research fellow - Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Heraklion, Greece
2021Assistant Professor - Department of Environment, Ionian University
Personal skills
Mother tongue(s)Greek
Other language(s)
Language Basic/Intermediate/Proficient
Other skills Scientific SCUBA diving
Educational activities
Teaching experience
  • Assistant Professor in Marine and Coastal Biodiversity, Department of Environment, Faculty of Environment, Ionian University, 2021-today.
  • Trainer in the “Online training course on data formatting, QC and publishing” on the topic “Data archaeology”, organized by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in the framework of the project EMODnet Biology III”, 8-19/6/2020.
  • Lecture on the topic “The Mediterranean Sea: biodiversity, benthic habitats and current research”, in a half day seminar for undergraduate students from Boston's Northeastern University at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Heraklion, Greece.
  • Lectures about marine cave research, coralligenous assemblages in the Aegean Sea and sponges, in the “Training Session on the monitoring and mapping of coralligenous habitats”, organized by the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC-SPA) of the UNEP/MAP and the Institute of Marine Conservation “Archipelagos”, 15-19 June 2012, Fourni Island, Greece.
  • Lectures on “Terrestrial and Marine Cave Biology”, in the “Speleological Seminars” of 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14, organized by the North Greece Branch of the Hellenic Speleological Society, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • University assistant in lectures, laboratory work and field exercises of the School of Biology (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean, Greece.

Supervisor for two PhD theses and four PhD Erasmus/research placements: 

  • Markos Digenis, PhD candidate, Ionian University, PhD thesis (2021-today)
  • Yeray González Marrero, PhD candidate, Universidad of La Laguna, PhD thesis (2022-today)
  • Juan Sempere Valverde, PhD candidate, University of Sevilla, research placement (2022)
  • Sahar Chebaane, PhD candidate, MARE-Madeira & University of Lisbon, research placement (2022)
  • Francisco Sedano Vera, PhD candidate, University of Sevilla, Erasmus placement (2019)
  • Francisco Sedano Vera, PhD candidate, University of Sevilla, Erasmus placement (2017)

Member of the supervisory committee of one PhD thesis:

  • Alexandra Karatza, PhD candidate, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, PhD thesis (2022-today)
  • Aikaterini Stamouli, PhD candidate, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, PhD thesis (2023-today)
  • Nikolaos Simantiris, Ionian University, PhD thesis (2023)

Member of the jury committee of two PhD theses:

  • Andreu Santín Muriel, PhD candidate, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, PhD defense (2022)
  • Carlos Navarro Barranco, PhD candidate, University of Sevilla, PhD defense (2015)
  • Syrine Belkhodja (2022) Ionian University & Université de Liège, Erasmus Mundus MSc thesis (2022)
  • Maurizio Spaccavento (2022) Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, MSc thesis (2022)
  • Markos Digenis, MSc student, University of Crete, MSc thesis (2021)
  • Markos Digenis, BSc student, University of Crete, BSc thesis (2019)
  • Melina Chertz Bynichaki, BSc student, University of the Aegean, BSc thesis (2021)
  • Alfredo Marchiò, MSc, Ionian University & Università degli Studi di Genova (2023)
  • Eleanna Yperifanou, BSc student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Summer Practice (2020)
  • Evangelia Daskalaki, BSc student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Summer Practice (2018)
  • Konstantinos Michailidis, BSc student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Summer Practice (2018)
  • Marta Florido Capilla, BSc, University of Sevilla, Erasmus placement (2017)
  • Ioannis Rallis, BSc student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Summer Practice (2017)
  • Anastasia Galani, BSc student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Summer Practice (2016)
  • Melina Nalmpanti, BSc student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Summer Practice (2015)
  • 4th International Congress on Applied Ichthyology, Oceanography & Aquatic Environment (HydroMediT 2021), 4-6/11/2021, Mytilene, Greece
  • RAC-SPA/UNEP-MAP Symposia on marine key habitats and Non-Indigenous Species in the Mediterranean, 14-18/01/2019, Antalya, Turkey
  • 4th International Symposium on “Anchialine Ecosystems”, 10/2018, Lanzarote, Spain.
  • 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries, 31/05-03/06/2018, Corfu, Greece.
  • 11th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries, 13-17/5/2015, Mytilene, Greece.
  • RAC-SPA/UNEP-MAP Symposia on the conservation of Mediterranean marine key habitats, 27-31/10/2014, Portoroz, Slovenia.
  • 2019-2020: Assessment of the Ecological Status of the Submerged Marine Caves, in the framework of the project "Management Interventions to N. Karpathos and Saria Protected Area" for the Management Agency of Dodecanese Protected Areas
  • 2019-2020: Establishment of an Underwater Trail, in the framework of the project "Management Interventions to N. Karpathos and Saria Protected Area" for the Management Agency of Dodecanese Protected Areas
Organization of conferences & symposia
  • IUCN Red List Assessment Review Workshop: Mediterranean Porifera, 25-28/11/2019, Heraklion, Greece.
  • 2nd Editor Workshop of the World Register of marine Cave Species (WoRCS), 30/9/2018, Lanzarote, Spain.
  • 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries, 31/05-03/06/2018, Corfu, Greece.
  • MERCES Project Annual Meeting, 20-22/06/2017, Heraklion, Greece.
  • 1st Editor Workshop of the World Register of marine Cave Species (WoRCS), 22-25/02/2016, Ostend, Belgium.
  • WoRCS Editor Pre-Workshop meeting, 10/2015, Mérida, Mexico.
  • 2nd LifewatchGreece Data Manager Workshop, 16-20/03/2015, Athens, Greece.
Scientific reviewing
  • Co-Editor-in-Chief for Mediterranean Marine Science journal
  • Advisory Board Member for Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment
  • Guest Editor for Biodiversity Data Journal
  • Guest Editor for Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
  • Reviewer for 34 international scientific journals (66 manuscripts), 1 book chapter, 47 conference papers), 2 research grant proposals and 48 small grants/scholarships
Membership of scientific societies
  • Association of Graduates of the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean (vice-president 2011-2013 & 2013-2015)
  • Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOT.E.E.)
  • Register of Researchers of the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
  • Hellenic Oceanographers Association
  • INVASIVESNET - The Global Network of Networks on Invasive Species (Lifetime member)
  • Deep-Sea Biology Society (Lifetime member)
Awards & distinctions
  • 2016: “MARS Travel Award for Young Scientists 2016” from MARS Network: The European Network of Marine Research Institutes and Stations.
  • 2011-2013: Scholarship for postgraduate studies (PhD) by the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: Heracleitus II. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.
  • 2009-2010: Scholarship for postgraduate studies (PhD) from “Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation”
  • 2006-2007: Award for distinction in postgraduate studies (MSc) from the Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK)
  • 18/12/2006: 1st Graduation award from NEL Lines 
  • 2004-2005: Award and scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (3rd year of BSc studies)
  • 2003-2004: Award and scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (2nd year of BSc studies)


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