Title: Enhancing the European aquaculture production by removing production bottlenecks of emerging species, producing new products and accessing new markets
Funding Source: EU FP7
Budget IMBBC: 1,758,512€
Start / End Date: 2013 - 2018
Web site URL: https://www.diversifyfish.eu/
Project Progress: 100%
Research Directions:
Reproduction and physiology
Fish nutrition and feeding
Production technologies
Fish health
Fish behaviour
Fish quality and safety
Aquaculture Genetics
Functional and Comparative genomics
The project DIVERSIFY has identified a number of new/emerging finfish species, with a great potential for the expansion of the EU aquaculture industry. These species are fast growing and/or large finfishes marketed at a large size and can be processed into a range of products to provide the consumer with both a greater diversity of fish species and new value-added products. The fish species to be studied include meagre (Argyrosomus regius) and greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) for warm-water marine cage culture, wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) for warm- and cool-water marine cage culture, Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) for marine cold-water culture, grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) a euryhaline herbivore for pond/extensive culture, and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) for freshwater intensive culture using recirculating systems. In collaboration with the SMEs and/or Large Enterprises, DIVERSIFY will build on recent/current national initiatives for species diversification in aquaculture, in order to overcome the documented bottlenecks in the production of these species. Research will be carried out in the scientific disciplines of Reproduction and Genetics, Nutrition, Larval husbandry, Grow out husbandry, Fish health and Socioeconomics (including final product quality).