Hybrid University of Asterousia in IMBBC
On Friday, October 22, IMBBC welcomed the Hybrid University of Asterousia, jointly run by MIO-ECSDE and the UNESCO Venice Office in Europe with the aim to promote participation and involvement…
On Friday, October 22, IMBBC welcomed the Hybrid University of Asterousia, jointly run by MIO-ECSDE and the UNESCO Venice Office in Europe with the aim to promote participation and involvement…
Πηγή εφημερίδα ΠΑΤΡΙΣ: https://www.patris.gr/2021/10/16/i-klimatiki-allagi-kanei-ta-psaria-pio-eyalota-akoma-kai-sto-stres/ Η ΔΡ. MORGANE HENRY ΜΙΛΑ ΣΤΗΝ “Π” ΓΙΑ ΤΟΥΣ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΥΣ ΚΑΤΩ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΝΕΡΟ Όταν ένας ένας άνθρωπος αισθάνεται στρες, απευθύνεται σε ειδικούς της ψυχικής υγείας,…
A project by artist Hypercomf and marine biologist Markos Digenis for STUDIOTOPIA residency program hosted by Onassis Stegi. This Journey is presented in the framework of STUDIOTOPIA and co-funded by…
NewTechAqua researchers studied the sex differentiation process and the resulting sex ratio of greater amberjack produced entirely under aquaculture conditions. Such analysis is essential to ensure that rearing conditions do not…
New publication from ECCO Project! Just published! Micro-CT protocols for scanning and 3D analysis of Hexaplex trunculus during its different life stages Check out: https://bdj.pensoft.net/article/71542/
Dr. Alessio Bonaldo presents the NewTechAqua project and its goals.
On June 22 and 23, 2021, the new DASbox mini–Bioreactor System of Eppendorf was installed at the laboratory of Aquaculture Microbiology of HCMR in Crete. This system is unique in…
Πηγή CRETALIVE : https://www.cretalive.gr/kriti/na-protimiso-tsipoyra-kai-labraki-apo-tin-agria-thalassa-i-apo-ihthyotrofeio Ο Κων. Μυλωνάς ξεδιαλύνει τους μύθους και τις αλήθειες γύρω από τις ιχθυοκαλλιέργειες Να προτιμήσω τσιπούρα και λαβράκι ανοιχτής θάλασσας που εκεί τα ψάρια ζουν…
Πηγή – Livetalks: https://www.cretalive.gr/kriti/enydreio-den-tha-kleisei-alla-hreiazetai-stirixi “Το Ενυδρείο δεν θα κλείσει, αλλά χρειάζεται στήριξη”! “Δεν μπορεί να αφεθεί στην τύχη του” επισημαίνει ο διευθυντής του Κων.Μυλωνάς μιλώντας στο Livetalks – Τι λέει…