Title: The Hellenic Research Infrastructure for data management and analysis in Biosciences

Funding Source: EPAnEK

Budget IMBBC: 167,625€

Start / End Date: 2017 - 2020

Web site URL: https://www.elixir-greece.org/

Project Progress: 100%

Principal Investigator:

Georgios Kotoulas

Project Members:

Research Directions:

Aquaculture Genetics

Bioanalysis and biotechnology

Marine biodiversity


ELIXIR-GR is the Greek National Node of the ESFRI European RI ELIXIR, a distributed e-Infrastructure aiming at the construction of a sustainable European infrastructure for biological information. ELIXIR-GR supports life-science research and its translation to medicine, biological sciences and society. It offers a catalogue of tools, services and benchmarks, ensuring best practices as well as sustainability and interoperability with other biological and medical science infrastructures (https://www.elixir-greece.org)

IMBBC/HCMR in the context of the national infrastructure ELIXIR-GR, will coordinate and support the development of tools and methods of bioinformatics and biodiversity informatics and computational biology in the realm of marine biological research. Its participation comprises two main directions:

(1) The Marine-omics joint research activity is a funded Pilot action of ELIXIR-GR that aims at strengthening the analysis of marine ecosystem -omics data by providing researchers with essential bioinformatics support. To this end, the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture at HCMR, which has a strong -omics research component (environmental sequencing with metabarcoding & metagenomics, genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, phylogenomics), has joined efforts with a number of Institutes. These include the Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI), experienced in transcriptomics, especially non-coding RNA prediction and analysis methods, and the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (FORTH/ICE-HT), with expertise in metabolomics and systems biology. The joint research action is focused on:
(a) Evaluation of pipelines and methods for analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data from non-model marine οrganisms (b) Description of the bioinformatics landscape (practices, needs, strategies) relevant to -omics research on non-model organisms. (2) the MicroCT virtual laboratory (LifeWatchGreece infrastructure), a web based gallery of 3D specimens, is an additional resource for future integration of phenomics data into the wealth of sequencing data available (https://microct.portal.lifewatchgreece.eu/). The MicroCT vLab, through digitization of marine data collections, offers unique expertise in both Greece and Europe. Aim of this effort is to outreach and disseminate the MicroCT activities within the ELIXIR-GREECE and ELIXIR-EUROPE communities (supported also by ad-hoc developed Application Programming Interface (API))

Web Site URLs

https://www.elixir-greece.org/node/152 ELIXIR-Greece - ΙΘΑΒΒΥΚ - ΕΛΚΕΘΕ - microCT Ελληνικά
https://www.elixir-greece.org/node/78 ELIXIR-Greece - ΙΘΑΒΒΥΚ - ΕΛΚΕΘΕ - microCT Αγγλικά
https://www.elixir-greece.org/node/98 ELIXIR-Greece - ΙΘΑΒΒΥΚ - ΕΛΚΕΘΕ - Πιλοτική δραστηριότητα Θαλάσσιας Ομικής Βιολογίας
https://www.elixir-greece.org/node/86 ELIXIR-Greece - ΙΘΑΒΒΥΚ - ΕΛΚΕΘΕ - Marine Omics Pilot Action