Title: EnLIGHTening future Schools to deliver BLUE Sustainability in Europe... Funding Source: EU HEurope Budget: 174,000€ Start / End Date: 2024 - 2027 Principal Investigator: Panayota (Yolanda) Koulouri Title: operAtional seNsing lifE technologies for maRIne ecosystemS... Funding Source: EU HEurope Budget: 409,375€ Start / End Date: 2023 - 2026 Principal Investigator: Panagiotis Kasapidis Title: Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean... Funding Source: EU HEurope Budget: 200,000€ Start / End Date: 2023 - 2027 Principal Investigator: Ioulia Santi Title: Next generation imaging technologies to probe structure and function of biological specimen across s... Funding Source: EU HEurope Budget: 130,000€ Start / End Date: 2023 - 2028 Principal Investigator: Niki Keklikoglou Title: Conservation of priority species of marine megafauna in Greece and Italy... Funding Source: EU HEurope Budget: 1,706,918€ Start / End Date: 2023 - 2029 Principal Investigator: Panagiotis Kasapidis Title: 17187.5... Funding Source: EU HEurope Budget: 17,188€ Start / End Date: 2022 - 2026 Principal Investigator: Ioulia Santi Title: MARine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning leading to Ecosystem Services... Funding Source: EU HEurope Budget: 650,250€ Start / End Date: 2022 - 2026 Principal Investigator: Panagiotis Kasapidis |