Title: Centre for the study and sustainable exploitation of Marine Biological Resources
Funding Source: EPAnEK
Budget IMBBC: 2,620,418€
Start / End Date: 2018 - 2021
Web site URL:
Project Progress: 100%
Research Directions:
Fish nutrition and feeding
Fish health
Bioanalysis and biotechnology
Marine biodiversity
Ecology and ecosystem management
Bioinformatics and biodiversity informatics
CMBR aims to the systematic, functional interconnection and cooperation between different research areas of marine research within the broader scientific community. CMBR makes up a distributed national research infrastructure, which is based upon the participation of IMBBC – HCMR in the European ESFRI Infrastructure “European Marine Biological Resource Centre” (EMBRC), is constituted by seven partners with proven excellence. The infrastructure aspires to become the main vehicle for promoting Development in the country Blue, creating a new paradigm of interdisciplinarity. It includes two research centres, four universities and a higher technological educational institute. More specifically, it is coordinated by the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC) of the Hellenic Centre for marine research (HCMR), the other partners being the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) and the Polytechnic University of Crete, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of the Aegean, and the Higher Technological Educational Institute of Crete. During the preparatory phase of CMBR, priority will be given to access to it and to its effective operation, which seems possible thanks to connecting approach during the preparation of the proposal and because of the high maturity of most of its constituent infrastructures. During the course of implementation, the new equipment will be incorporated, which is expected to improve and simplify the operation and efficiency, know-how will be developed the, protocols evolved, synergistic practices and culture of multidisciplinarity will be developed. The priority to immediate entering into operational phase will be serviced by the appropriate mechanisms of governance and decision-making, visibility and communication, which will come from the establishment of the structures of the existing potential and by recruiting new qualified staff. The above logic of direct use of infrastructure will run through the implementation of the three Work Packages (WP) of the preparatory phase of the CMBR: WP1: Design and improvement of infrastructure, WP2: Joint research activities in the field of "blue growth" with use of the infrastructure, and WP3: Administrative and promotional activities for the operation of the infrastructure.